Welcome to the Mansion Ridge booking portal
Riders (non-players) are only allowed on a case by case basis and a $25 fee applies – contact the pro shop 845-782-7888.
No outside alcohol allowed on the golf course. Any alcohol found in a player’s possession will be confiscated.
In exchange for the privilege to use a golf cart, you are accepting responsibility for your own negligence. You must operate this vehicle in a safe manner and adhere to all rules set forth by Mansion Ridge Golf Club. You are liable for all medical and legal claims that may arise from rental of the golf cart. You voluntarily agree to accept the risks of using a golf cart and on behalf of yourself, your personal representatives, and your heirs hereby voluntarily release the aforementioned business, and its owners, officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, suits, judgments and demands for bodily injury, property damage, loss of life and/or loss of services, in law or equity, that may in any way or manner arise out of use of the golf cart. You must be at least 18 years of age and show a valid driver’s license to rent a golf cart. Under no conditions are you allowed to let another driver drive this vehicle, unless cleared by the staff. Carts must remain on Mansion Ridge Golf Club property. You agree to pay for any damage to the Cart & authorize us to charge your credit card for same. It is strictly forbidden that a minor or any individual without a valid driver’s license operate this vehicle. At no time may a minor have a hand or hands on the steering wheel when the vehicle is moving. No excessive speed, joyriding, or any type of unreasonable activity with the golf cart will be tolerated.”
In order to Book your TeeTime acknowledge having read by pressing the agree button below